What is KMSF, Inc?

The Kenny Morgan Scholarship Foundation is comprised of Woodlawn High School (Birmingham, AL) alumni and friends whose purpose it is to bestow the Kenny Morgan Scholarship Fund to Samford University incoming freshmen students.  The Scholarship is awarded in memory of Coach Kenny Morgan, the mentor and friend of many students at Woodlawn  High School from 1945 to 1959, by providing scholarships in his name for deserving young men and women who desire to attend Samford University.

Selections are made without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, or national origin. Applicants, however, must be a graduating senior from an accredited Alabama Public High School, Private High School, or Homeschool equivalent; or the offspring of a missionary wishing to return to Alabama to attend college at Samford University. Additionally, applicants must have participated in sports or a sports related activity, i.e., Cheerleader, Majorette, Trainer, manager, marching band, etc; must be an active member of a church, synagogue, temple, etc; must have maintained a grade average of B or above; must be active in the community, i.e. Boy/Girl Scouts, Hi-Y or Tri-Hi-Y, Future Farmers, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, etc. Under special circumstances, the Board will entertain an application from a student whose qualifications do not strictly comply with scholarship criteria based on extenuating circumstances, such as military service, peace corps, missionary work, transfer students from junior colleges, transfer students from other universities, etc.

artist's rendering of Woodlawn High School, circa 1950